A Book A Day.

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Chrys, Crystal
October 15
Petalburg City
aromantic asexual
once upon
a dream.
4'7'' / 140 cm height
4'7'' / 140 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
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TAG WITH @chrysanthe
Chrysanthe Kubrick
A Book A Day.
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 15:45:54 GMT
Chrysanthe Kubrick Avatar

As soon as school is over, Chrysanthe zooms to the nearest bookstore. She only has so much time to lose between her last class and the start of her next extracurricular, so those are rare moments that she can use for something else. Luckily, she already packed some pastries to eat on the way to the bookstore, so she also wouldn't have to show up hungry for photography lessons. Moreso, it's unfortunate that she has to sacrifice her bubble tea run for a book, but ... "We really waited for this one, hm?" she muses to the Munna in her arms, as she enters the bookstore. It also doesn't seem like there is much going on, so hopefully, she'll be able to check it out quickly, too. Definitely quicker than most queues in bubble tea stores ...[break]
Scurrying over most precisely to the shelf she needs to be, her eyes seem to sparkle upon the sight of the book she has been waiting to buy for weeks (okay, maybe days ...). Always passing by without being able to get to it, and not wanting to ask any of her siblings for help this time. The problem is only ... "That's pretty high up," Chrysanthe sighs. But, hey, maybe, if she goes on tip-toes ... Keeping the Munna in place with one arm, as she stretches the other one up, it seems like a far reach still. Urgh, but ... just a little more ...!



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played by


beck/rem owens
April 2nd
Fuchsia City, Kanto
author/pokemon caretaker
5’10” height
5’10” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
58 posts
part of
TAG WITH @beckett
beckett carlson
A Book A Day.
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 14:16:48 GMT
beckett carlson Avatar

[attr="class","header"]THAT’S HOW SUPERHEROS LEARN TO FLY


Ah, reading, there was really nothing like it. In the years since leaving Kanto, he had found a certain joy in reading. It was something he hadn’t been able to partake in when he had lived in Kanto, so at first it had been about trying new things; he just hadn’t expected to take such a liking to reading or the near obsession he would get when it came to certain genres.
For all these reasons, finding him in a bookstore or library wasn’t out of the ordinary. What was out of the ordinary was that he was alone. Outside of work, he could be seen with his best friend. Not this time though; his friend had stuff to do, so he was all alone.
It was pretty nerve-wracking if he was being honest with himself. Part of him wanted to turn tail and come again another day. A day when his friend would be able to join him. No, he had to do this.
Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he looked around. Now where were the mystery books again?
While scanning his surroundings for any indication on where to go, his eyes fell on a young girl. Maybe she would know. He could get her the book she seemed to be after than ask.
Taking another deep breath, he moved closer to the young girl, but not too close. He still maintained a bit of distance between them. Plucking the book, she was reaching towards it; off the shelf, he handed it to her.
“He-Here you go,” he said, looking down at her, though if she were to meet his gaze, he would quickly look away. “Y-You wouldn’t happen t-to kn-know where the mystery books are?”[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + ooc notes



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